Announcement “Design + 4”: from 14/10/2020 it is possible to submit the applications for benefits

Home Il Blog Diritto della Proprietà intellettuale ed industriale Announcement “Design + 4”: from 14/10/2020 it is possible to submit the applications for benefits

Announcement “Design + 4”: from 14/10/2020 it is possible to submit the applications for benefits

Announcement “Design + 4”: from 14/10/2020 it is possible to submit the applications for benefits

With the decree of 26th November 2019, the General Management for the protection of Intellectual Property – UIBM formalized the opening of the announcement “Design + 4”, published on 31th October 2019 in the Italian Official Gazette. with series n°256.

The aforementioned announcement is intended to encourage the innovative and competitive capacity of micro, small and medium-sized companies, through the provision of benefits in the form of a capital contribution for the enhancement and economic exploitation of industrial designs and/or models (already registered) on national and international markets.

In summary, the object of the benefits consists in the realization of a project concerning the enhancement of a single design/model or one or more designs/models belonging to the same multiple deposit, currently valid, already registered from the 1st January 2018 and, in any case, prior to the submission of the application.

The benefits, therefore, aim to purchase external specialist services – within the extent of 80% and up to a maximum of € 75,000.00 – to incentivize:

  • (phase 1) the production of new products related to a registered design/model (maximum amount of benefits: € 65,000.00);
  • (phase 2) the marketing of a registered design/model (maximum amount of benefits: € 10,000.00).

Applications can be submitted on the website starting from 27 May 2020 at 09 a.m.until the available resources are exhausted.


ATTENTION: In consideration of the exhaustion of the resources allocated, following the bookings received, the MISE suspended at 9:14 a.m. on 27 May 2020, the presentation of the applications for resources with the Directorial Decree.
With a subsequent Decree of 15 June 2020, the Ministry ordered the allocation of an additional 14 million Euros and the issuance, within the following 30 days of a new decree, which will indicate the operating procedures for the presentation of the new requests for disbursement of the contributions.


Our Law Firm, thanks to the team specialized in IP Law and the vast experience in business consultancy:

  • provides the companies with all the information regarding the requirements and methods of submitting the applications, evaluating in advance the existence of the conditions for obtaining the benefits;
  • assists its clients in drafting the necessary documentation and submitting it according to the procedures set out in the announcement;
  • manages the file until its successful conclusion;
  • if the company has not yet submitted the application for the registration of its trademarks (primary condition for obtaining the benefits), we assist it in all the phases preceding and following the application, for example:
    • specialized consultancy in the technical-economic evaluation of the design / model;
    • legal advice for the drafting of license agreements for industrial property rights;
    • legal advice for protection against counterfeiting actions.

Contact us immediately on the number +393711453121 or by e-mail at, to get the benefits up to € 75,000!

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