M.I.S.E. has allocated new resources for the announcements “Patent +”, “Trademark +3” and “Design +4”

Home Il Blog Diritto della Proprietà intellettuale ed industriale M.I.S.E. has allocated new resources for the announcements “Patent +”, “Trademark +3” and “Design +4”

M.I.S.E. has allocated new resources for the announcements “Patent +”, “Trademark +3” and “Design +4”

M.I.S.E. has allocated new resources for the announcements “Patent +”, “Trademark +3” and “Design +4”

Due to the extraordinary amount of applications submitted in one day, the General Management for the protection of industrial property – U.I.B.M., was forced to suspend:

However, in order to meet the requests of companies that have not been able to submit their applications to obtain incentives, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, by Decree of 15 June 2020 (published in the Official Gazette n°162 of 30.06.2020), has:

  • allocated additional resources for a total amount of 43 million Euros, distributed as follows: 25 million for the announcement “Patents +” call; 14 million for the announcement “Design +4”; 4 million for the announcement “Trademarks +3”.
  • Ordered the publication of a new decree, within the following 30 days of the publication of this one (30th of june), which will indicate the operating procedures for the submission of new applications, aimed at obtaining the incentives provided by each of the aforementioned announcements.

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