Internationalization voucher for micro and small manufacturing companies: from 9 to 22 March, applications will be submitted

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Internationalization voucher for micro and small manufacturing companies: from 9 to 22 March, applications will be submitted

Internationalization voucher for micro and small manufacturing companies: from 9 to 22 March, applications will be submitted

The “internationalization voucher” is a facilitating measure provided by the MISE in favor of manufacturing micro and small enterprises (code “C” of Ateco) based in Italy, to support them in expanding on foreign markets.

What does it finance?

The voucher finances the fees paid for the consultancy activity of a Temporary Export Manager (TEM) with digital skills, registered in the appropriate list that will be prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the coming days.

TEM must be temporarily included in the workforce through a management consulting contract lasting 12 months for micro and small businesses and 24 months for business networks.

What does the consulting activity consist of?

The purpose of the consulting activity is to promote the internationalization process of the company and must be achieved by the TEM through:

  • analysis and research on foreign markets;
    • identification and acquisition of new customers;
    • assistance in contracts for internationalization;
    • increase of the presence in the e-commerce platforms;
    • integration of online marketing channels;
    • advanced management of logistic flows.

How much is the value of the voucher?

The voucher contribution is granted on a de minimis basis and is equal to:

  • € 20,000.00 for micro and small businesses that sign a consultancy contract with TEM for a fee of no less than € 30,000.00 (net of VAT).
  • € 40,000.00 for business networks that sign a consultancy contract with TEM for a fee of no less than € 60,000.00 (net of VAT).

Companies that achieve the following results on sales volumes abroad can receive an additional contribution of € 10,000.00:

  • an increase of at least 15% in the turnover, recorded in the year 2022, resulting from operations to foreign countries, compared to the same turnover recorded in the year 2021;
  • incidence – in the year 2022 – at least equal to 6% of the turnover deriving from operations to foreign countries on the total turnover.

What is the deadline for submitting the application?

The application is submitted exclusively online at in two distinct phases:

  • the first, from 10:00 today, 9 March 2021, to 17:00 on 22 March 2021, by uploading the application to the system – after completing it online and digitally signed – and receiving an identifier and a code;
  • the second, from 25 March to 15 April 2021, from 10:00 to 17:00, by submitting a new application containing the identification and code received in the previous phase.
  • a time window from 10.00 on 25 March to 17.00 on 15 April 2021, with the exclusion of holidays and days before holidays, in which the application can be submitted by indicating the application identification and the code for preparing the application received in the previous phase. The arrival time, produced on a specific receipt, will determine the chronological order of admission to contributions. Click here to submit your application.


Invitalia has communicated that the closure of the desk for the preparation and transmission of requests for access to the grant will be arranged with a specific provision, once the allocated resources have been exhausted.

How do you sign up for the TEM list?

TEMs and TEM companies can subscribe, from 10.00 on 18 March to 17.00 on 6 May 2021,to the list that will be prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the coming days.

In the next article (click here to read it) we will indicate all the necessary requirements for registration.


The Coscia law firm, thanks to its expertise and experience in the field of business consultancy and assistance in obtaining grants and funding both nationally and in Europe:

  • provides micro and small manufacturing companies interested in expanding their business abroad with all the information regarding the requirements and methods for obtaining the internationalization voucher, assessing in advance the existence of the necessary conditions for submitting the application;
  • assists its customers in preparing the necessary documentation and forwarding it in accordance with the procedures set out in the announcement;
  • manages the practice until its conclusion.

Contact us immediately at the numbers 0683521985 or 3711453121, or write to us at, to obtain the internationalization voucher.

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