“Energy at the top”: the incentive for managers of ski lifts and ski slopes

“Energy at the top” is a measure promoted by the Department for Regional Affairs and Autonomy (DARA) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and managed by Invitalia.
The aim is to support the functioning of sports infrastructures due to the higher costs incurred in the 2022/2023 winter season compared to the previous winter season.
The overall financial allocation is 10.8 million euros.
The recipients
The concessions are aimed at managers of ski lifts and ski slopes, both public and private, with the following requirements. Among the latter there are:
- carry out, even to a non-prevalent extent, the activity identified by ATECO code 49.39.01 (Management of funiculars, ski lifts and chair lifts if not part of urban or sub-urban transit systems);
- have an active operational headquarters at the time of submitting the application and in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 winter seasons.
Among private entities, the recipients are companies of all sizes, amateur sports associations and non-profit amateur sports clubs.
Each proposer can submit only one application.
The incentives
The incentives are non-repayable (i.e. without obligation to repay) and can be requested for the operating costs of:
- electric energy;
- water supply for programmed snow production
The requested contribution is granted:
- in the maximum percentage of 80% of eligible expenses;
- for an amount not exceeding 70,000.00 euros;
within the limits set out in the de minimis Regulation (Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013) and the GBER Regulation (EU Regulation no. 651/2014).
How to submit the application
All companies in possession of the above requirements will be able to submit the application through the reserved area from 12.00 on 3 July 2023.
The support of experienced professionals
To be sure to carefully analyze all the details, without neglecting anything and without making mistakes that could compromise the success of the application, we advise you to rely on experts in the sector and not to proceed in complete autonomy.
We at Coscia Law Firm, for years, have been supporting startups and SMEs in their path of growth and affirmation in the market, and we can help you in the presentation of the application.
Contact us without obligation for a first interview: e-mail: info@studiolegalecoscia.it.