Incubators of startups: how do they work?

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Incubators of startups: how do they work?

Incubators of startups: how do they work?

With Article 25 of Law Decree no. 179 of 2012, the Italian Government, in addition to innovative start-ups, also recognized in paragraph 5 also certified incubators, i.e. those joint-stock companies based in Italy or European Societas, also established in a cooperative form and registered in the special section of the register of companies, which offer services aimed at supporting the creation, development and stabilization of innovative start-ups on the market.

Support activities for innovative start-ups

Incubators have the function of assisting and supporting innovative start-ups in their growth path:

  1. providing them with adequate facilities, rooms and equipment suitable to accommodate them and carry out their business (eg: ultra-broadband access systems to the internet, meeting rooms, machinery for tests, trials or prototypes, etc.);
  2. providing constant support in terms of business model, marketing, etc., through its consultants and experts in innovation and development;
  3. putting them in contact with universities, research centers, public institutions and financial partners (business angels, venture capitalists, etc.), who carry out activities and projects related to innovative start-ups.

Certified incubators

All companies can carry out these activities (Today, in Italy, there are more than 160 incubators), but only those in possession of certain requirements established by the MISE Decree of 22.12.2016 (click here to read it) can obtain the status of certified incubatore, registered in the special section of the register of companies and enjoy the relative concessions.

Currently, in Italy, there are 45 certified incubators registered in the special register, of which 8 only in Lombardia, 6 in Piemonte and 5 in Lazio, all in the city of Rome (click here to open the list).

The possession of these requirements – which we talked about in another article (click here to read it) – is monitored annually by the MISE and this should represent the innovative start-ups the guarantee of reliability and seriousness.

However, three years ago documented the “state of health” of start-up incubators, highlighting an unstable and quite worrying situation, especially from an economic-financial point of view and with regard to the real support provided to new entrepreneurs (click here to read the article).

The importance of legal advisors

Our advice, especially if the start-up intends to make use of the support of an incubator, is to choose the certified ones registered in the special register, which are able to better meet your needs and have a serious network of contacts, really interested in your project.

At the same time, cannot be missing the support of expert business consultants (lawyers, accountants, etc.), who are able to advise and assist you in the initial phase.

Our law firm, thanks to the expertise and experience in the field of consultancy and assistance to start-ups, both in the legal, commercial and corporate fields:

  • provides all entrepreneurs interested in starting their own start-up or defining an optimal business strategy, advice and specific assistance in bureaucratic and commercial practices;
  • assists its clients in the market analysis phase, in the preparation of the business plan and in the search for the economic resources necessary to finance the start-up;
  • supports the start-up at every stage of development, assisting the entrepreneur in choosing the most suitable certified incubator for his needs and in legal relations with the latter.

Contact us immediately at the numbers 0683521985 or 3711453121, or write to us at for specific advice

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