Disegni+ 2021: to finance the enhancement of Designs and Models

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Disegni+ 2021: to finance the enhancement of Designs and Models

Disegni+ 2021: to finance the enhancement of Designs and Models

Disegni+  2021 is a call put in place by  MISE in favor of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, with the aim of helping them to enhance the Designs and Models. This is a measure that is part of the “Strategicintervention lines on industrial property for the three-year period 2021-2023″,defined byD.M of 23 June 2021.

The intervention aims to support the innovative capacity of Italian entrepreneurial realities,with the aim of improving their competitive strength on national and internationalmarkets.

The non-repayable contribution is aimed at the purchase of specialized external services, useful for the production of a design or model, for its enhancement and offer on the market.

Let’s see together the details of the call, which are the beneficiaries and how to submit the application.

We remind you that, we at Studio Legale Coscia can help you verify the requirements for participation and prepare all the necessary documentation. You can contact us without obligation for a first interview by calling the numbers (+39) 0683521985 and (+39) 3711453121 or by writing to info@studiolegalecoscia.it.

Disegni+ 2021: what is it?

The Disegni+ 2021 non-repayable loan is promoted by the UIBM (UfficioItalianoBrevetti e Marchi)of the MISE and managed by Unioncamere.

This is a contribution aimed at covering up to 80% of the costs incurred to enhance Designs and Models. Specialist services, however, must be eligible and   must not exceed certain limits,as we will see shortly.

The concession is granted on a capital account, for a maximum value of 60 thousand euros per company,until the resources available for the call are exhausted.  Thetotal financialresources allocated to the Disegni+ 2021 Call amount  to 12 million euros.

Who are the beneficiaries of the Disegni+ 2021 call?

All micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with the following requirements can apply for the Disegni+ 2021 call:

  • legal and operational headquarters in Italy;
  • duly constituted, active and registered in the Register of Companies;
  • not in a state of liquidation or dissolution and not subject to insolvency proceedings;
  • in compliance with the contribution obligations attested by the DURC (Single Document of Contributory Regularity);
  • do not have causes of prohibition, forfeiture or suspension, according to art. 67 of the anti-mafia legislation(Legislative Decree no. 159/2011 and s.m.i.);
  • do not have ongoing administrative proceedings for acts of revocation due to undue receipt of public resources;
  • are holders of Designs registered with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) or the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO);
  • the design must be registered from 1 January 2019 and in any case on a date prior to the submission of the application for participation and be valid.

It should also be noted that only one application may be submitted fora singledesign. On the other hand, companies that have already benefited from the Disegni +2, Disegni+3 and Disegni+4 calls cannot participate.

Eligible costs and limits

The non-repayable loans of the Disegni+ 2021 call are granted up to 80% of the specialized services useful for enhancing Designs and Models, up to a maximum of 60 thousand euros per company, as we have already highlighted.

But what are the eligible expenses and limits provided for in the call?

Those who intend to apply must take into account the types of services allowed and the related spending limits:

  • Research on the use of innovative materials: up to 5 thousand euros
  • Realization of prototypes: up to 13 thousand euros
  • Realization of molds: up to 35 thousand euros
  • Technical consultancy for the production chain aimed at putting the product/design into production: up to 8 thousand euros
  • Technical advice for product certifications or environmental sustainability: up to 5 thousand euros
  • Consulting specialized in the approach to the market (for example for business plan realization, marketing, graphic design, etc…) and for the technical-economic evaluation of the design or model:up to 8 thousand euros
  • Legal advice for the protection against counterfeiting actions: up to2.5 thousand euros

All expenses for the external specialist services listed above must be incurred after the date of registration of the Design and not before the date of publication of the notice of the Disegni+ 2021 call in the Official Gazette, or 27 July 2021.

How do I apply?

Interested companies can apply for participation starting at 9:30 am on 12 October 2021.

As we have already mentioned there is no deadline, but it will be possible to participate until the available resources are exhausted. Our advice, therefore, is to start verifying the possession of the required requirements and to already prepare the necessary documentation to be able to send the request already on the first day.

To be sure to carefully analyze all the details, without neglecting anything and without making mistakes that could compromise the success of the application, we advise you to rely on experts in the field and not to proceed with the “do it yourself”.

At Studio Legale Coscia, for years we have been supporting startups and SMEs in their path of growth and affirmation in the market, and we can help you in the presentation of the application.

Contact us without obligation for a first interview: tel:   ou verify the requirements for participation and prepare all the necessary documentation. You can contact us without obligation for a first interview by calling the numbers (+39) 0683521985 and (+39) 3711453121; e-mail: info@studiolegal

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