Announcement “Patents +”: incentives to companies for the economic exploitation of patents

Home Blog Commercial and Corporate law Announcement “Patents +”: incentives to companies for the economic exploitation of patents

Announcement “Patents +”: incentives to companies for the economic exploitation of patents

Announcement “Patents +”: incentives to companies for the economic exploitation of patents

With Decree of 26th November 2019, the General Management for the protection of Intellectual property – UIBM had formalized the reopening of the announcement “Patents +“, a measure aimed at encouraging the innovative and competitive capacity of micro enterprises and SMEs with registered and operational headquarters in Italy, in possession of at least one of the requirements set out in art. 4 (click here to read them).

What are the services financed by the announcement?

The announcement “Patents +” grants companies incentives used to purchase specialized services aimed at enhancing and economically exploiting patents on the national and/or international market.

These services must concern:

  • industrialization and engineering;
  • organization and development;
  • technology transfer.

How are the incentives granted?

The incentives – granted under the de minimis regime – are paid in the form of a non-refundable capital contribution, up to a maximum of € 140,000, which cannot exceed 80% of the eligible costs.

However, for academic spin-offs and for initiatives with operational headquarters in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily the concessions can cover 100% of the eligible costs.

How is the application submitted?

The application to obtain the incentives is submitted exclusively via web, through the “Invitalia” website (click here to access).


The Coscia law firm, thanks to the team of professionals specialized in Intellectual Property Law, coordinated by the Lawyer Marco Coscia:

  • provides interested companies with all information regarding the requirements and methods of acquiring the facilities provided, by assessing in advance the existence of the conditions necessary for the acceptance of the application;
  • provides the company with all the consultancy services indicated in the “Patents +” call, also assisting it in preparing the necessary documentation and forwarding it;
  • manages the practice until its successful conclusion;

Contact us immediately on the number +39 3711453121 or by e-mail at, to obtain incentives of up to € 140,000, before the available resources run out.


ATTENTION: the financial endowment available for the announcement “Patents +” expired on 30th January 2020, a few hours after the opening date for submitting applications. Therefore, the counter was closed at 5.00 pm on 31th January 2020.

However – as already written in a previous article (click here to read it) – the M.I.S.E., in order to satisfy the requests of the companies which have not submitted the applications by 20th January 2020, has ordered, with Decree of 15th June 2020:

  • the allocation of a further 25 million euro to finance the announcement “Patents +”;
  • the issuing of a new decree, by the end of July 2020, which will indicate the operating procedures for the presentation of new applications.

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